10 Steps to Remain Healthy in Old Age

5 min readAug 24, 2022


No doubt, “Health is Wealth ‘’. But in old age, every person doesn’t remain healthy because of a weak immune system. In this article, we will discuss some basic and major points by following which we can live our life healthy and full of joylessness. Those major points are as follows.

1- Eating fresh food

2- Brushing your teeth

3- Drink plenty of water

4- Meet a doctor regularly

5- Get a vitamin boost

6- Caring for your feet and hands

7- Daily exercise

8- Take supplements

9- Manage stress

10- Quit smoking

Now we discuss the above points one by one.

1- Eating fresh food:

Having a balanced diet is important for remaining healthy even in old age. We should eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Besides this, we must eat lean meat in our daily life. If you eat rotten/spoiled food, you can fall into different types of diseases. So, to prevent diseases, we should pay attention to our food to obtain eligible and good health.

2- Brushing your teeth:

Our teeth play an important role in getting good health. We should take care of our teeth daily. Brush your teeth twice a day. By denying this useful instruction, you will fall into dangerous diseases and your overall health condition will not be okay.

3-Drink plenty of water:

Water is necessary for our daily life. But low usage of water causes dehydration that is injurious to health. Dehydration (Lack of water) in any stage of life affects the human body internally and externally. Dehydration can produce serious problems in the human body. To solve these problems, use plenty of water for drinking purposes. Drink at least 3 to 4 liters of water in a day for good health.

4- Meet a doctor regularly:

In old age, we often face blood pressure and cholesterol level problems. But don’t worry, every problem has a solution. In old age, you should meet your doctor regularly to get rid of these problems. Moreover, meeting your doctor regularly will also help the doctor to diagnose problems early or even before they start.

5- Get a vitamin boost:

In old age, bones become weak due to a deficiency of some basic vitamins such as vitamins. So, we should also eat medicine/tablets loaded with vitamin D to cover this deficiency. Furthermore, we should be in the sunshine in winter for at least 15 to 20 minutes a day. We can also get vitamin D from eggs and oily fish. Moreover, get a vitamin D supplement according to the suggestion of your doctor.

6- Caring for your feet and hands:

The old, aged person’s body mostly becomes dry and loose, especially feet and hands. In old age, we should take care of our hands and feet more rather than at a young age. Always apply moisturizer to cover your dry skin. Moreover, consult your doctor and apply some useful tubes/creams on the torn heels of your feet.

7- Daily exercise:

To stay active even in old age, we must follow daily exercise. By doing this your body’s inner parts remain in a movement state and your health condition becomes better than those who don’t adopt this good habit on daily bases. By taking exercise daily your bones become strong and healthy and heart diseases stay a mile away from you. This will also decrease the risk of any type of cancer.

8- Take supplements:

Some Vital Supplements

Supplements are also called multivitamins. Supplements make your immune system strong. A strong immune system prevents you from the attack of diseases. Some supplements are mostly recommended such as calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin B6. Use them according to the suggestions 0f your doctor.

9- Manage stress:

Factors to Reduce Stress

Stress is harmful in any part of life. Many methods can be adapted to reduce stress. Some basic methods are mentioned below.

* By increasing physical activity like playing games and exercising.

* By scheduling sleeping time.

* By following reliable and enjoyable activities.

* Spending time with your friends and families.

10- Quit smoking:

Say No to Smoking

Smoking is dangerous in every state of life. In old age, it affects more than young age. It can damage your lungs and you can face difficulty in breathing. Often the use of smoking can cause lung cancer, and this can also lead to death sometimes. So quit this bad habit of smoking and save your precious life.


The major condition to remain healthy even in old age is to keep your immune system strong. You have to eat and drink well and fresh for a strong immune system. You have to clean up your mouth daily to live safely from diseases. Besides this, you have to follow all the above-discussed steps to remain fit and healthy in old age.




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